Once more with feeling….again

For the last two months, I’ve had consistent pain from both my shunt and around different parts of my brain. I’m not sure what to do in order to deal with the discomfort.  Pain medication doesn’t work.   However, I get scared when I feel pain like this.

The pain in different parts of my head from nerves and muscles may be scar tissue healing itself form the injuries I had. I believe this to be the possible explanation.

For the last two months I’ve had the following:

February 2016
2/2/16 – Felt
fluid buildup at base of spinal cord. Backup of CSF? While in bed. Had issues
with sitting up because of lower back discomfort.
2/6/16 – Pain,
swelling, tingling sessions on left side of brain where ventricular catheter
used to be and on top right corner of head.  Felt pains in abdomen, distal catheter and in urethra in the
2/9/16 – Pain on
top right corner of head at 4am with pains in distal catheter while in bed.
2/18/16 –
Swelling, sharp pains on left side and tingling pain on top right corner of
head both in the morning and afternoon.
2/19/16 –
Pressure in forehead during evening.
2/24/16- Pain in back of head, and forehead around
6:33pm.  Nausea.
2/28/16 – Tingling, sharp pains on top right corner of head
during afternoon hours after 12pm. Pain on left side of brain in the early
2/29/16 – Pain and tingling on top right corner of head in
afternoon/evening hours at around 6pm.
March 2016
*The following symptoms have continued each day at different times
during the day:
*Pain on shunt valve, feelings of
fluid moving slowly behind right ear. I can feel the shunt over draining and I
have pain in my urethra.  Since
February, I’ve had pains in different parts of my head specifically in the back
of my head and top left and right corners of my head.
3/18/16 – Pain on shunt valve
multiple times in the morning and afternoon hours. Pain when moving head from
side to side. Pain and tingling at top of head on right and left corners of
head in the afternoon. Pain from shunt on top of the valve and in the
stomach/abdomen.  Throbbing and
pain on top left side of head.
3/23/16 – Pain on shunt valve
multiple times specifically during the afternoon around 3:43pm.  Dizziness in forehead during early
afternoon 12pm-3pm.  Felt light
headed and dizzy with pains in abdomen/stomach. Throbbing and pain on top left
side of head. 

3/24/16 – Pain, throbbing in
distal catheter in abdomen at 1:04am, pain behind right ear throbbing on distal
catheter. Sharp pains on left side of head and on shunt valve multiple times
while trying to sleep between 9pm-12am. 
Pain at top, back of head when moving head from side to side. Cannot sleep
on right side due to pain in distal catheter behind right ear.