On Monday, May 12th I will have the catheter in my stomach and abdomen revised. Originally when I saw my surgeon on May 6, he had told me I would have the revision scheduled for May 22. The day after my office visit, my symptoms got worse and I contacted their office to arrange for the surgery to take place as soon as possible before May 22. Since 5:46am this morning, I have had cramping in my stomach and abdomen along with feeling fluid leak from the catheter in my stomach and the usual pains I’ve been feeling in that region. I didn’t feel like waiting until the end of the month because I worried about the symptoms and of having another stroke. I don’t know if I can handle it emotionally and physically to endure another stroke and the therapy involved in the rehabilitation process. The cramping I had this morning freaked me out because I hadn’t experienced it previously. I should be home by Wednesday if not earlier. Thursday I get to see an neuro-opthamologist about my right eye. The right eye will get better the sooner the catheter in my stomach is fixed.